[–] varialus 48 points (+48|-0)  ago 

So that people have the opportunity to unknowingly donate their personal information leaked via unnecessary app permissions. It'd be a huge hassle for people to leak all that information without an app. I don't understand how people managed before smart phones.

[–] Atomized_Individual 10 points (+10|-0)  ago 

Free open source apps: https://f-droid.org

[–] middle_path 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Can I get a quick rundown on this for a complete pleb like myself?

[–] voltronsdicks 2 points (+6|-4)  ago  (edited  ago)

At this point in history, most Americans consider electricity to be a natural resource like rain water or wind and could never conceive of it going away in the blink of an eye. At least until there's a blackout. But even then it's only temporary and the lights eventually come back on.

One day they won't come back on, but by then it will be too late.

Same with smartphones and internet-based technology that many people in this generation were born into. As a society, we've normalized better technology as the solution while removing accountability from the equation. We're trying to circumvent error and its accompanying shame with static algorithms and their accompanying infantilization of society.

[–] WhiteRonin 16 points (+16|-0)  ago 

It’s a great way to make money off companies.

I’ve told lots of companies to not make apps because responsive webpages are way easier and more bang for your development dollar.

Some apps though wouldn’t work in a web page.

[–] Caesarkid1 [S] 45 points (+45|-0)  ago 

It's almost like people have been brainwashed to demand apps so that companies could collect more precise user data including everything else on their phone.

[–] ThirteenthZodiac 23 points (+23|-0)  ago 

This is so stupidly accurate, you have no idea.

[–] Mumbleberry 10 points (+10|-0)  ago 


[–] Hyperboreans 6 points (+6|-0)  ago 


And you're the OP. Way to make all the comments redundant.

[–] Boris 5 points (+5|-0)  ago 

There's an unofficial craigslist app that let's me search multiple cities at the same time. This is very useful for me since I'm in between metropolitan areas.

[–] vastrightwing 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Sure. You can do the same thing using duck duck go. Search "site:craigslist.org bla bla"

That will search across all their sites.

[–] PraiseIPU 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

The people that run cl are kinda evil.

They actively seek and destroy anyone that tries to make cl more useful.

They are anti app and anti change.

[–] WhiteRonin 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Hmm. I should look for that but when I check other localities I never end up with decent hits.

[–] PuttItOut 11 points (+11|-0)  ago 

Porting existing sites to be mobile friendly is a cost and complexity concern so there is always that.

Most apps are not necessary, but there are certain times they are more justifiable or necessary and this usually is related to the desired integration with the phone sensors and hardware (think of a jogging/running app that calculates route and elevation then displays using maps).

I control a home stereo receiver via the manufactures app for example.

When I hear that an app is necessary I use amazon.com as an example of a website that is so mobile friendly that you think it's an app when using it (even though amazon also has apps). You can do a lot with a mobile website these days.

What isn't ever justifiable is the basic monopoly on distributing apps. You buy the hardware, but then you are restricted from installing only approved apps. This closed environment is criminal.

[–] fuckinghell 4 points (+5|-1)  ago  (edited  ago)

App's are just frontends for mobile websites in quite a few cases.

[–] viperguy 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

ALEX JONES APP played audio as a background process, so your iPhone and Android acted like a radio while you surfed, checked email, etc.



Poor alex jones app banned 3 days ago by apple (the world famous Info Wars app)

goddamned Apple

[–] squishysquid 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

less of a cost and complexity concern than green fielding a thick client.

[–] totes_magotes 8 points (+8|-0)  ago 

Because apps can get device data that javascript cannot.

[–] SquarebobSpongebutt 5 points (+5|-0)  ago 

Some apps add actual value to the site. For example, let's take a theoretical voat app. The app might provide popups to perform certain actions, provide "neverending voat", notifications when you get a response/message and allow response right from the notification. It could have an option to use lower res versions of images unless you click the HD button. Any of these might provide value. Problem is most sites do not have a good API for apps to use and the apps wind up being little more than a container for the mobile site.

[–] HillBoulder 7 points (+7|-0)  ago 

Neverending voat

Sounds like a cell with no key. I love this place for what it is but if I spend too much time here it can make me convinced I'm going to get shot by a nigger every time I go out in public.

[–] Dark_Shroud 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

I live in the Chicago area, I could get shot by a nigger a few miles from my home.

[–] SquarebobSpongebutt 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

Luckily voat craps the bed after 20 pages. ;)

[–] viperguy 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 


Alex Jones Info Wars played audio in the background all the time you wanted it to, but required an APP to allow that trick. A BANNED app as of 3 days ago.

[–] TheTrigger 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

'cause using a web browser is haaaaard, uuuuggghhhh... What are you, a geek?

[–] skywalker7777 -1 points (+0|-1)  ago 

Because using a web browser is hard

It is compared to Boats

[–] kalgon 4 points (+4|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

Navigation is often shitty, typing a fucking url is often a pain in the ass, you have a lack of addons such as adblockers for chrome for instance, maybe firefox I don't remember, maybe this has changed since but I believe it's still shit, so you take ads full in your face, then you have the perfs issues, the browser layer eats like 50% of the computing power, sometimes it's not a problem, sometimes it is, full screen is managed like total garbage, often completely absent except if the said site propose a fullscreen button, while often absolutely necessary due to screen sizes not leaving much rooms to display anything

It "just works", a tad too just, in many instances

[–] fuckinghell 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Brave is a great option for a browser with built in adblock and anti-tracking.

I tend to avoid apps myself, the only caveat is that Brave will break certain websites due to the adblock/anti-tracking, so I just avoid those sites.

[–] Hand_of_Node 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Most sites are broken when I arrive, due to my strict scrip-blocking preferences. Also rarely use mobile.

[–] C_Corax 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

I solved that problem long ago. I stuck with Nokia and I don't go on the internet when I'm on the move. One battery charge last 2-3 weeks!

[–] thelma 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

I still don't know what an "app" is....

'course I don't have a cell phone.

[–] Hand_of_Node 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Data-mining programs for your phone for companies to track everything you say and do, with an overlaid entertainment layer as a "shiny".

[–] GoodGodKirk 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 


People have been retarded lately about the Apple store. Like it’s THE only way to get things to Apple users.

Obviously none of them are developers...

[–] Drowpic 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Also keeps me wondering.

One explanation probably is that you do not have to remember links or keep bookmarks. You just open the app and there it is! Even if it is just a mobile Web page displayed to you by PhoneGap.

[–] YoHomie 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Because some people can't wipe their ass without an app.

[–] Hand_of_Node 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Please allow location for enhanced Wi-Ping™.

[–] wakkablam 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Sometimes apps provide additional value, like the ability to show notifications when the app is not running in foreground. Think of an app like ebay being able to tell you when an auction is about to end. Also, a third-party app might be able to supplement the user experience by injecting additional scripts into a page, something that is easier to do than trying to convince your typical user to install greasemonkey and a bunch of scripts.

Recent "innovations" to the web although are starting to bridge the gap between native apps and simple web pages. Some browsers like Chrome support features such as running in background or sending you "push" notifications while the browser is "closed". Such web features depend a lot on browser support, so most phones still don't support said features.

[–] squishysquid 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I have never seen a background notification of value.

[–] Alopix 2 points (+3|-1)  ago 

websites are getting extremely slow and shitty, but that's to cater to phones

no, every website wants you to install their app so their app can vacuum up your personal information and sell it. It was never about need. It was never a service to the user. Sites sometimes actively try and prevent you from seeing the website on a phone to force app use

[–] squishysquid 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

But don't you want to download the double plus good reddit app.

[–] DestroyerOfSaturn 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Because they're untermensch.

[–] RaptorJesus 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Zoomers use apps.

[–] lord_nougat 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

You know because you are one aren't you!!

Doxxing RaptorJesus!

[–] muffalettadiver 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

I use browser....on my fucking Google phone....

[–] MinorLeakage 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

I also hate the "mobile version" of every site. I leave my browser set to "request desktop site".

[–] HeavyBeefCurtain 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Retards who need to be spoonfed.

[–] Ina_Pickle 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

People are retarded.

[–] CowboyXero 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Fact: Bandwidth over the network.

It takes far less bandwidth to pull up the app and navigate through that than it does to run the full website on a mobile device. Granted, there are exceptions to the rule but, for the most part, that's it.

The thing about mobile devices is that you can still get "banned" apps. Hack. Your. Phone. You can hack an iPhone to put any version of Android on it.

I actually have the InfoWars app on my current phone. I got it before it was banned from the app store. Do I tune in? Not really. Again, I didn't like when Alex Jones decided he was going to be a gatekeeper but I am a subscriber to Caravan To Midnight, another app that I have and I do listen to that regularly. If you like InfoWars even just a little bit, you'll love CTM. John B. Wells, in my opinion, is a far more suitable personality to convey information. Even at his most intense he's still not as unhinged as Jones. I'd recommend him before I recommend Jones.

Still, want those banned apps? Hack your phone and seek them out. Do so at your own risk though.

[–] TrueAmerican 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

So they can install spyware on your phone

[–] hermes3xx 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Some web sites load much faster through an app than with a mobile browser.

[–] Dial_Indicator 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

its just kickbacks on cash made from cell phone sales

[–] 30MagazineClip 1 points (+1|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

It's a matter of statistics. A certain percentage will prefer to use the app and a smaller percentage will only use the app. It's all about marginalization. If the deep state marginalizes enough outlets then it maintains a better chance of staying in control.

[–] Dougal_McHaggis 0 points (+0|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

Because apple.

Fuck apps they are gay.